Worksheets of Julian, Manuel and Juan Manuel
This is Julian's worksheet wich is about paralel lines.
This is Manuel's worksheet wich is about paralel lines.
Juan Manuels worksheet about paralel lines
Worksheet from Juanmanuel about perpendicular lines
Julians worksheet about perpendicular lines.
This is julian´s worksheet which is about the division of a segment.
Manuels worksheet about the division of a segment.
This is julian´s worksheet the geometric structures.
Manuels worksheet about geometrical structures.
This is julian´s worksheet about the universal method.
Manuels worksheet about the universal method.
Julians worksheet about wind rose
Manuels worksheet about wind rose
Juan Manuels worksheet about wind rose
Juan Manuel's worksheet which is about the modular networks.
This is juliaan´s worksheet which is about modular networks
This is manuel´s worksheet which is about the modular networks.
This is julian´s worksheet which is about the viewpoint.
This sis julian´s worksheet which is about the depth.
Manuels worksheet about depth.
Juan Manuel's worksheet which is about the one point view.
This is julian´s worksheet which is about the one point view.
This is manuel´s worksheet which is about the one point view.
This is julian´s worksheet which is about the one point view.
This is manuel´s worksheet which is about the one point view.
Juan Manuel's worsheet wich is one point perspective room
This is julian´s worksheet which is about the one point perspective room.
This is manuel´s worksheet which is about the one point perspective room.
This is manuel´s worksheet which is about the visual textures.
This is Julian´s worksheet which is about the visual textures.
This is manuel´s worksheet which is about the one point perspective room.
This is manuel´s worksheet which is about the visual textures.
This is Julian´s worksheet which is about the visual textures.
This is Julian´s worksheet whis is about the colour wheel.
This is Julian´s worksheet which is about the textures.
Manuels worksheet
This is Julian´s worksheet which is it made in groups.
My group was composed by: Jaime, Alejandro, Borja and me.
My group was composed by: Jaime, Alejandro, Borja and me.
This is the group worksheet.
This is Julian´s worksheet which is about the impresionism.
- This is manuels worksheet which we can do what we want.